heres more I know not much updating on this*scraches head embaressed* heres the story:I had woke up early today Wildhead was scraching his head Scarclaw was licking up some food from earlier in the morning I streched out on a nearby rock Wildhead licked my pelt(fur)I said"was got you in a good mood Wildhead?"
Wildhead said"ummmm nothing really just the fact that today is the day we of all the cats in all clans get to see the new clan called the Fang clan supposilly its made of Dogs and hybrid Wolves,and real pure bred wolves."my eyes shot open to this new update
I ran up to the freshkill pile and picked a nice juicy mouse from the pile I gobbled it up in a couple of bites I ran back to Wildhead and said"you sure your mom will let us go to see the new Fang clan I hear the leaders' names are Kibaku and Bloodahana."Wildhead meowed his yes I walked back into the warrior's den and sat down in my moss and flower bedding thinking of this encounter with the new found out Fang clan I sat there pondering of the outcome of this bloody encounter with the Fang clan there was alot of outcomes from this encounter I could just see coming. Wildhead walked up to me and nuzzled me he said"what could possably go wrong Hawksky?come on I will not go without you please come with me?"
I said"yeah okay Wildhead but just in case lets take medical herbs ok just to be safe"I ran to Yellowfang's den she was humming a little lullaby I said"ummm......Yellowfang I need some medical herbs for my jorney to the new found Fang clan ok?"
Yellowfang said"ummm......yes I got them prepeared for you by a tip from Bluestar and her son Wildhead hope you and Wildhead have a good safe jorney may Starclan be with you"I nodded and picked up the medical herbs
I so sorry i'm sleepy I am soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry