Welcome to Wolfie's Rants I promise its worth the howl.

I'm going to be ranting about things like crazy, it might be a carry on from >Kawaii-Desu Wolfie< my other world. >w>


My kitten Christo when he was a kitten he was born in March the day my fiancee/boyfriend wrecked his car.. I thought I lost him.. I was scared and the day after Christo was born and I named him after CJ. I will always love this cat. Always.

RIP Alice

This is my female persian or what used to be her, She died a few weeks or so ago and her mate died a couple days before I posted this.. She died and he couldnt live without her and he couldnt live on just because she was gone. I miss them both.

Alice+Slyvester FOREVER. RIP

Raven Kitten

This is my little demon cat Raven when he was a kitten. Happily hes my best friend and best cat Ive ever had!

Im on the prowl.

Our Rumpy Manx kitten Momo. Hes been a great member of our family and he was into beef sasuage link things since my grandmother splurged on bags of the stuff. He was very intensely interested into the sasuage but he doesnt like it but thats besides the point. Im enjoying the fact my cats are photogenic if you can get their attention like this little booger.

Sleepy Gemini

This is my brother's cat Gemini, Shes around 3-4 years old. She was caught napping like this and I just so happened to snag the oppertunity up to catch this moment! Shes more into sleeping now in her age.