Hey guys, welcome to my world, which is called A Blue Colour Life...

A little about me:

I'm 24 years old.
I love to read, write, draw, watch anime, make wallpapers and just be here.
I'm in the final year of my master in English literature.
I have watched 100+ animes, and my favorites are bleach, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, beyblade, K-ON! kaichou wa maid-sama, nodame cantabile, hyouka, Romeo x Juliet and kimi ni todoke, Hanasaku Iroha and etc.
I love making friends and I make them easily, but people take me for granted most of the time.
I have a talent in drawing and I write pretty well too.

My best friends on TheO are:TheDarkEclipse, nikkeh09, Soulanime14, Snowzi and Crimson-rose.

Hair Battles!

Hey Guys^^

Since I have got my hair cut its been an advemture! Sometimes my hair falls really straight and sometimes it just goes weird! I'm meant to have straight hair really, but today when I woke up I had the worst case of bed hair, lol!! My hair is sticking out from all these absurd places even now and its night! I have tired to brush it all day, lol! I gues it'll go back to normal tomorrow when I take a bath...For now I look like some 1920s actresses who had those ferocius bobs xD
I never used to have bed hair before because it used to be long and would fall over my pillow so its a new experience :) And I kinda love having this eccentri hair :D

Shitty internet!

It took me 1 and a half hour to watch a 30 minute episode on the freakin' internet!! Huffff Dx

Lol, embarassing thing happened today!

Hey guys^^

So, I'm posting everyday xD I just have to, there is nothing else to post :P

So, about the embarassing thing! My brother and I were supposed to go to some distant relatives today about something, so we went. They told us they'd be home but when we reached they weren't! Jeez, do people lie or what xD But they live in the neighborhood so it was just some walk. We were utterly embarassed to find the locked door, lol! *face palms* Hehehehehehe...We were also supposed to have dinner with them so when we retured home we had to eat leftovers! Ugh, but lol...

Werid things happen sometimes but thats life :D

Crazy but good Saturday!

Hey guys^^

So, today I had go buy my uniform for my college but I desperately needed to finish the book I was talking about yesterday so I stayed home and prayed that my parents have a good sense of sytle. Ofcouse, my parents don't even know I that I own this book :P And I made an excuse that I had to clean my room so they let me stay at home. So, by now you guys must have guessed that I've finished reading that book, lol. It was a pretty decent book actually and I'm glad that I read it. I think God wanted me to read it, lol...And I hate to admit it, but I was wrong about that book. Even though it has some elements that could disturbed me if I decided to get disturbed my them, but I decided not to and ended up enjoying it. :)

After that me and my Dad made pizza, lol. It was fun and I had a good time with my Dad after so many days...These days he has started to get suspicious by my activities here since I'm caught typing alot, so I've changed my password again *sighs* and I'm going to change my timings. But whenever I sit at morning when Dad is not at home its night time in your countries and I get so less comments ;-; So, I'm stuck it a rut, lol. But I'll figure something out^^

For now, Good night guys and Take care :)

P.S: Sorry, guys I'll comment and stuff tomorrow^^

Book Fair 2013! And some advice needed...

I went to the annual book fair the city organises every year in the main exhibition hall in my city and it was a blast!!!! I bought SIX books for 5 dollars equivalent your money!!!!!!!!! It was amazing ;D I have never bought so many books at one time *amazing moment*

But I wanted to some advice guys...I bought one book without looking at it properly. When I came home I read through it and realised that it is a bit against my religion. Now, I told you guys that I don't do religion much still I feel a bit guilty...Its a novel and I'm afriad that if I read it I may come across some dangerous things that I'd rather not know about...So guys what do you suggest, should I read it or not??