Hey guys, welcome to my world, which is called A Blue Colour Life...

A little about me:

I'm 24 years old.
I love to read, write, draw, watch anime, make wallpapers and just be here.
I'm in the final year of my master in English literature.
I have watched 100+ animes, and my favorites are bleach, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, beyblade, K-ON! kaichou wa maid-sama, nodame cantabile, hyouka, Romeo x Juliet and kimi ni todoke, Hanasaku Iroha and etc.
I love making friends and I make them easily, but people take me for granted most of the time.
I have a talent in drawing and I write pretty well too.

My best friends on TheO are:TheDarkEclipse, nikkeh09, Soulanime14, Snowzi and Crimson-rose.

In other news...

Hey Guys...

I'm sorry I won't be able to submit any art today and maybe tomorrow too, because I have no photoshop yet again *sighs*...Yesterday morning when my Dad switched on the computer, millions of viruses had flooded into our system and as usual we didn't have an anti-virus to solve the problem. At times like these my Dad always re-installs Windows and thats a pain in the ass because we get a fresh computer everytime with no MS office, Adobe and FLV player. so, now I'm waiting for my brother to install Adobe Master collection...I wish I could learn it myself, but my brother won't teach me...We do have the setup in our computer but my brother is really mean, lol...

Waiting is agonising!

RIP Paul Walker

OhMyGod, guys! Paul Walker passed away in an accident! I was really shocked to hear about this...Such a sudden and sad news! I can't say that I was a big fan but it did come as a big shock! And he was only 40 years old...Such a sad fate for him...May his soul rest in peace and may God give solace to his family and friends!

Weekend Life!!!

LOL, isn't that true for the lot of us?! This is what I do literally everyday! Aside from chores :P

In other news, I finally made it up with my friend...We had a long conversation yesterday and it felt great...But today I found her school's result on the internet and got to know she hasn't got in and idk what to say to her. I had prayed for her but her grades were so bad, it didn't surprise me at all that she didn't get in...What do you guys suggest I say to her? I'm really no good at sympathising! I tried to convince her to apply into my college, but she didn't apply because it was all girls! I just don't know what people think!

And as for trying to get back into things, I have started watching anime. But I've changed my genre completely. I usually watched slice of life/comedy/highschool/romance, but now I'm changing it to action/psychology/science-fiction/future...So, I'm watching Psycho-pass..Then I'll watch Baccano too...Can you guys recommend me any animes from these genres? And please no Highschool!

Except for that, I can't draw at all! I'll have to pull out all the guns for the SS event! It'll be damn tough, but I'll try *sighs*

New Haircut..

Hey guys...Even I'm wondering what to post here...But the news is that after months and months of begging I finally got a haircut!! I had hair till my chest but now I've cut them till my ears...And the only thing I feel is that my back is now lighter, lol...And, I look like anime :3 I can probably cosplay some girl with really short hair, lol...I might also post some picture but I'm afraid of someone finding out about them because my brother caught me the last time I posted a pic here! *sighs*

Lol, I'm posting everyday! + My SS Wishlist...

Hey Guys^^

Since you guys have smothered me with your love and I can't even explain how grateful I am, I am so, so, so much better...Some of you actually forced me to laugh and smile, when I didn't think I would be able to do that my whole life! I'm so grateful, I could cry! And I just can't stop saying thankyou :) I'll stop it tomorrow, I promise!^^

Today, I got out of my house, finally! It was like breathing in a new world, even though my city is in the top 10 of the most polluted cities in the world, lol...But being stuck at home nearly for a month was nearly killing me, so I felt really open and it was like everything was new for me! Even though we only went to the Doctor, lol...And, I didn't go because of my mental condition, lol, I went because my blood pressure gets really low in winters, so now I'll have to eat dates the whole season! Its so good that I didn't get any mdeicines, cause I have had so many, that I literally loathe them!

Other than that I've decided to have a wishlist. I wasn't deciding to have one because we don't have Christmas here, but now that I'm going to take part I have decided that I should be credited too, lol.

For Fanart/wallpaper/iWallpapers/ecards, please choose anyone you like:

1. Yui Hirasawa (K-ON!)
2. Mikasa (Attack on Titan)
3. Kougami (Psycho Pass)
4. Shizou (Durarara!)
5. Yogi (Karneval)
6. Suzaku Kururugi (Code Geass)
7. Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)
8. Takumi Usui (Kaichou wa Maid-sama)
9. Ajima Cecil (Uta no Prince-sama)
10.Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
11.Tamaki Souh (OHSHC)
And I really love beaches ;)