Ok, so...

What I've written might sound like a load of crap, so if you don't want don't read it, lol...

Ok so the deal is i am not able do make a wallpaper with a summer theme!! And thats freaking me OUT!!! Is it such a difficult theme, or is it because its really hot here or I'm being weirdo laziest!!?? I feel like jelly all of a sudden!! There's this new icecream by walls which wiggles like a jelly and I can't get it outta my head!!! Forward, backward like a jelly, constantly restless! THATS THE WORD, RESTLESS!!! Lol, I feel restless...like somethings going to happen which'll take over my life like a tornado!! thats whats preventing me from making this wallpaper!!!

My dad has a friend who a spiritual person, very qualified like a scholar..so he told me that the reason for my art block is that I sleep very late at night and wake up early...And I was like yeah right!! but now that I think about it, thats probably true...But I can't sleep early, I'm practically an insomniac, lol...And he also says that I shouldn't read many novels and I should stop eating eggs, and I should drink gallons of water!! The height of mutiny!! You know when you drink loads of water!?!?! Its hell, lol! I know, I know its all for my health, but being the Earth's biggest whiner, I have some right to whine :3

You know its actually all for the satisfaction of the brain. There would be nothing if not for the brain! We're always fooling our brain into believing..like we make our brain believe that we're heart broken thats why we feel heart broken...if we don't make our brain believe that, we'll never feel that way!! So I'm always fooling my brain, thats what!! Right now I'm fooling my brain into believing that I'm restless because something's changing..I can chose not to believe this, but I can't help myself either! Thats alot of rambling, right!?

So I'm shutting up now, thankyou for reading, my dear people! It was a pleasure sharing my thoughts! Feeling like jelly AND Captain jack Sparrow, I'm signing off! Have a good day guys
