A very crappy update on my current mood!+ New world design and name

Hey guys, so I feel crappy and pretty much really messed up for unfathomable reasons! I just feel like everyones ditching on me, like everyone in my life is moving fast forward leaving me behind...The unnecessaery insecurity is taking a hold of my positive side and it taking me to the dark side where I just feel tired and shitty all the freakin' time!

Oh, well its no use whining, I things that are meant to be are meant to be, I just can't stop my brain from feeling this shit, so Lol on life :D

I mean I can't stop time and make things go my way right!?

Nothings is ever in my control, I'm always controlled by others...

Also I've changed my world deign and stuff! Now instead if gold my life has turned blue and I hope it changes to another colour soon...As usual I can't see my new uploaded intro and background image...if you guys can see them do comment!
