Moping and other stuff. xD

Hey Guys,

So, my college starts Monday. I want and don't want to go. I have been having some weird health problems. They were totally gone till sometime ago, but they've shot back up again. I have been overdosing on my medicines(don't worry, they have no known side effects) so that they can disappear before college starts. Yup, its a slight problem. Dx Kinda used to it though...>.>

In other news, I got my result for 4 subjects. And, it's pretty good. :)
Home Economics-85/100

Only 2 subjects left, and I'm pretty positive that I have gotten As in them too.

Also, I have realised a lot of things about myself these vacations. All of them are weaknesses, unfortunately. xD I have realised that my talking skills are absolutely bleh. I have entirely forgotten how to give advice. I don't know how to persuade someone. I'd rather just listen than talk. :P
Like, when I'm here. Everyone posts and stuff, but unlike before, I don't know what to write at all. I keep staring at the screen thinking of what to write, then leave the most unhelpful comment in the world.
I think I have lost all faith in my talking. xD

A song for you guys, it's so old but I just listened to it, I love it:

Lol, I can't see the song myself, btw. xD

Wish me luck for college guys. tc. Bye...
