yokisenu ai ni jiyuu ubawaretai ne.
This is love.
yume to yume no aida obieta me de.
Part 2 of the story.
Since I have finished with the Introduction or first part of my story I find it proper to go to a second Part.She says OMG!
In the first part you learned about an untold prophecy which is connected by a specific set of few selected people. They have enemies and friends which caused an apparent pain to them. Now we will focus on their past and the love between them.
Now that you have seen the themesongs between them. The video on top of the "words."He says OMG.
I will show you many different songs that I think these characters are feeling at the moment.(Author starts getting side trackedThat's Darkness.
Look! She likes him.
Run away darkness run away!)
Patricia interupts... Jay you beliddled little hotard (new word of day.)
No I am not darkness' enemy that's just Patricia being stupid.
So now we will see the story before the introduction. How they met, their loves, the enemys, and their breakups. And since you know their themesongs the rest of the songs will only set the mood of the moment.
And hear we begin the second chapter.
The Introduction has ended.