YOU inspire me.

Hey :) how have you guys been?
i just got back from a long day at work ):
my job is a waitress at an Asian restaurant, i'll tell you one thing. Waitressing is NOT the funnest job out there haha. Well, i guess it's good when you can actually have a conversation with the customers, but most of the time it's just awkward and you just want to get the job done asap.

I've been meaning to put up more artwork.... but school and work are killing me D; i haven't stopped drawing though. eh heh, that's a start right? I just don't have the time to outline/colour a lot of it anymore. That's why i have this growing pile of sketches that i don't feel i should be posting x]
i'll get through it all someday hopefully haha~

On the topic of artwork, i'd really appreciate it if you guys could give me some hardcore constructive criticism. I think i'm going through this 'artist block' phase where i randomly lose the ability to draw a part of a character. Lately it's been the legs. no matter what i do they always seem off to me. And so, if you notice anything weird feel free to say it. i won't be mad or anything :) i promise!

I guess that's all that's on my mind right now x]
thanks for reading!


Listening to: 8282- Davichi
Working on: Sakura && Long and Narrow Challenge + Art trades :D
