as the days go by...

heey guysss :)

how have you all been? enjoying the last bit of school? (if you still have any) haha. There's only like what, a month left of school for me? and i'll be off to university :D i'm so excited.. but at the same time i know i'll sorta miss my high school. everyone there was so hyper active and awesome x]

SO. yesterday i went for this job interview at one of those... arcade places? you know, where you buy tokens and play games and get tickets. Then you can take the tickets and trade them in for prizes. The interview was SO LONG. i thought i was going to die from the pressure D; yeah. don't like those. I hope i'll be able to do my restaurant job and this one :X i'm trying to save up for a hot laptop x]
do you guys have a job?

It's spring here and weather is horrible. i hate spring. It has unstable weather (one second pouring rain, next it's bright and sunny), and it gives me minor allergy problems. woo pollen. also, the mosquitoes come back. haha, i can't wait till summer. although, winter is my favourite month :D

i guess that's all for now :)
i'll write again when i have something in mind haha i know you guys loooove reading about my monotone life -sarcasm-


Listening to: Still Doll- Kanon Wakeshima && Gee - SNSD
Working on: Food personification challenge :D
