Hey guys :D
Today, i had my last exam....ever !! :D Well, for high school anyways haha. wooo i'm finally done~ Commencement is next thursday and after i cross that stage, I'll be an... alumni O; it's kinda scary when i think about it that way.
Seriously, the past 4 years went by so fast. I remember getting lost in the school and walking into the wrong classrooms haha and now..? I'll never have to go back to that place again.
But i loved my high school though, it was an arts one and everyone there was always really hyper and upbeat. I especially liked how there weren't any cliques or stupid "stereotypical" high school things like that. Everyone was really accepting of each other. My favourite memories of my high shcool are that of Hallowe'en haha, where if you DIDN'T dress up you'd be the odd one out. Spirit days were pretty interesting too. We had some pretty crazy ones over the past 4 years... hmmm the ones that really stood out for me though were :
-Ugly sweater day
-90's cartoon day
-Twin day
-Code red [where you dressed up in costumes like fire fighters, police, nurses/doctors...etc]
and so many more...
oh man i'm going to miss that place.
but not enough to do another year eh heh
University this sept~~ wooo :D
i'm really looking forward to it.. but i'm sure by the time i get there i'll be craving high school all over again haha
On the art note, to be honest i haven't been drawing much at all :X i don't know why but everything that i sketch looks bad to me. Maybe it's just a phase? i really hope so. Fortunately, it's summer. no school = more time to doodle and practice. Hope i'll get over this block soooon i really want to post up some new stuff :)
That's all for now,
thanks for reading :D
Listening to: Last Farewell by Big Bang
Latest Addiction: Korean BBQ O; [it's sooo yummy no joke haha, especially if you get to grill it yourself!]