Well, I honestly have no idea what kind of stuff would be interesting for an "intro," so most of this will probably be kind of on the fly....
Haha!!! Yup... well, to commemorate this moment, I'll just say that my computer's hard drive crashed last weekend (RAWR
), and it's been renewed with 400 more gig!!! Yippee!!! Only thing is, um, I forgot to save my pictures, documents, all the fun stuff that matters.... yes, so much for using the good ol' noggin! Well, I guess it's needless to say that it might be a while before any of you guys see a post from me.... waaa!!!
Not that that would be too unusual anyways. But, on a sidenote, my YouTube channel name is Vanshipart (huh, whaddyaknow!!) as well, just in case anyone was wondering(but I doubt that). Ah!! Last but not least, a friend of mine just wen to Japan for their Spring Break, so I'll have to verify with them before I let out their user name so that if you're interested you can bombard them with questions upon their return. (Muahahaha!!!
) Thanks for visiting!!!
- Created By Vanshipart
SUCCESSS....!!! :D
Finally!! Dummy that I am, I have figured out a solution to the uploading issue!!! :3
I shall use... a different computer. duh. pfff...
Anyways, if you're out there and you had been following any of my stuff (fanart, wallpapers, world), then I may be adding some stuff in the next week or so. Waaaaay overdue stuff. Like, if theO were a class, I would've probably failed already, overdue. So, if you're the kinda person who doesn't mind seeing Holiday-related stuff--but wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Anyways...who else is ready for some nice spring weather, eh??
Alright. I don't want this to sound whiny, but.... Is anyone else having issues with getting the little drop-down list of categories to appear when they try to upload stuff?? Cause I've tried to upload one piece of fan art like, 4 times, and everytime that I make an attempt, I end up not being able to do anything because that one section isn't filled!! RAWR. lkjhljkhhjhskjaksj.... I dunno if it's just something having to do with my internet connection, or what...
HALP!!! As they say...
Homework and Charles Dickens
Okay, so this is hopefully gonna be a sorta quick post, cause I have a bunch o' homework left to do and not a ton of patience...
Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a good book or two that kinda has a deeper meaning like that of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.... Dunno why I was thinking about that, I guess I just really enjoy the book (
) and I can, in some (I suppose) twisted way, relate to it. Not that I've ever met a convict in a graveyard
, but ya know, psychologically and emotionally, I can relate.
Oh!!! And if anyone plays fast pitch softball and can recommend a decent, mid-range bat that has a slightly heavier weight, like a 24-26 oz bat to me, that would just, like, totally make my day. No joke. Day. Made.
Well, I suppose that's it!!
Thanks for visiting!!!
Happy April Fools Day!!!! ; 3
Okay, so this might be considered a sorta lame post, but besides the random smiley face theme on the site today, did anybody notice that if you hover your cursor over the "theotaku.com" logo at the top of any page it appears on, the thing wiggles up and down???!
Hmm... I just thought it was kinda cool...
Oh!!! And if you haven't already, visit google and check out their new name!!
So, I'm new to this whole "World" concept, and I was wondering if anybody had some advice, or ya know, tips and tricks to having to do with using a "World". For example, can other people post to me on my World??? Uh oh.... if you can't, then I guess the only way people can respond is to p.m. me!!! Well, time to clean out the ol' saved mail folder!
Hahaha.... See ya's!
~ Van
Okay, Just figured out the whole "comment" thing. Aheh-heh.... yeah.