Okay, so this is hopefully gonna be a sorta quick post, cause I have a bunch o' homework left to do and not a ton of patience... Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone could recommend a good book or two that kinda has a deeper meaning like that of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.... Dunno why I was thinking about that, I guess I just really enjoy the book () and I can, in some (I suppose) twisted way, relate to it. Not that I've ever met a convict in a graveyard , but ya know, psychologically and emotionally, I can relate. Oh!!! And if anyone plays fast pitch softball and can recommend a decent, mid-range bat that has a slightly heavier weight, like a 24-26 oz bat to me, that would just, like, totally make my day. No joke. Day. Made.
Well, I suppose that's it!!
Thanks for visiting!!!