coming soon.

Hey, fellow book lovers! :) *hugs* Sorry, I haven't updated this in a while! And no one else has written another review yet. I've been stressed and busy, so I haven't had the time. Also, I guess I ended up waiting until I finish the Night Angel trilogy to write about it. XD I'm about 200 pages off from doing that, so I might even write the review before I finish the last book...or not. We shall see.

So yeah, I basically just wanted to update this in case people forgot about it! :)

I want to write reviews on these next:

  • Cethe by Becca Abbott [finished it a while ago, but I should write about it eventually...if I remember anything from it lol.]
  • the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks [this will most likely be next]
  • author spotlights on: Karen Miller, Carol Berg, & Elizabeth A. Lynn (maybe)

Happy reading, people! :) Take care~
