
I had been waiting for someone else to jump on this, but whatever...

An American anime fan has gone missing in Japan recently after going to Japan on a one-way ticket without really telling anyone. 21-year-old Skye Lynn Budnick was last seen April 7th in Noboribetsu, Hokkaido near an inn. Her family has flipped out, going to Hokkadio and searching for her. Her travel itinerary and a composed (but not sent) suicide note was found in her email account days after she went missing. She supposedly had only her laptop and about $800 (82840 in yen, which we all know isn't that much).

This is a sad event, since this was an otaku just like you and me. She was a member of Central Connecticut State University's anime club and went to school there as well. She was an anime fan since middle school and was the quiet loner of the group. I'm sure we've all known someone like this, or are even like Ms Budnick ourselves. It is assumed, though not confirmed, that this behavior might have been linked to academic difficulties, being as she supposedly only stayed in school to participate in anime club.

Even though I know most of us aren't in Japan at the moment, these are the numbers to call if you have a tip: The United States Consulate in Sapporo (011) 641-1115 (from overseas, call 81-11-641-1115).

Source: Anime News Network
