Umm... ouch.

Remember how when you were little, your mom/dad/grandparent/sibling/whatever told you to never play with matches? Well, this is why:

Some cops in Nagoya had taken a middle-aged man in for questioning after being arrested for violent behavior. Even though there is a no smoking rule at the station, they gave into a request for a cigarette and lighter--most likely in an attempt to play nice and get answers. What they forgot to realize was that the man had poured kerosese all over himself... while in front of other cops. He had refused to take off his soaked clothes and once the ADD Moment for the cops was over, he was a suicidal ball of fire. He died on Monday of injuries and disiplinary actions are being sought for the negligent cops.

I can't help but to laugh at this. Even if no one told you someone was soaked in kerosene, you should certainly be able to smell it. *shrugs* Oh well; call me a sadist.

Japan Today
