Double Feature!

Star Wars Program for Japan?

After the Great Pacific War, Japan signed a Constitution/treaty that would limit the military to only a defense-based program. Recent Diet meetings have lead to the repeal of a 1969 ban on military use of space. Instead of classifying space as a "nonmilitary" area (and therefore out-of-bounds), it would be classified as "nonagression" (allowing for a "defense-based" space program). This doesn't necessarily mean Japanese astronauts, but rather defensive anti-missle and spy satellites.


Jojo Outrages Muslims

A scene from the animated version of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure as some Islamics in Egypt enraged at the usage of the Koran in a close proximity to terrorism.

The above picture is of Dio Brando reading out of a text. The character, one of the central villans, is basically a freaky vampire who hides in Egypt after being awakened from a 100-ish year sleep. He is determined to finish what he started and kill off the Joestar family (a.k.a.: the Jojo's) and has no regard for human life whatsoever. The fact he is using the Koran might have been a thing of innocent ignorance or irony on the part of the animators, but was not intended to reflect that Muslims are terrorists. An apology has been issued, in typical Japanese-business fashion.

