White men can tussle too...

The sumo wrestler Kotooshu is making waves in Japan, on his way towards the Emperor's Cup.

The funny thing is, he's a gaijin.

Kaloyan Mahlyanov, originally from Bulgaria, is on his way to being the first European in history to win the Emperor's Cup, the prize at the end of the 15-day tournament he is currently participating in. While he only wanted to simply post a winning record to keep him in the ozeki rank (second-highest sumo rank), but has shown an impressive enough presence to have people believe he is going to win. He can, provided he does not lose two more bouts. Here's a video of him defeating the Mongolian-born Hakuho:

It's a little wierd if you're not used to the whole sumo scene, but it's still interesting. Sumo started as a Shinto kami ritual and now is a professional sport (only in Japan).

Oh, by the way, that was salt they were throwing. Yeah. It's a purification thing.


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The Wikipedia
