New Dragonball Movie Pics

For those of you that don't know, there is a Live Action (American-made) Dragonball movie in the works. They finished shooting last week, and are now in the processes of Post Production. The first pictures were released this week, but they might be gone soon.

See all of the pictures here. EDIT: The pictures have been taken down at the request of the studio. Unfortunately, this was the only one I saved. Sorry if you missed it.

The movie is directed by James Wong, and stars Justin Chatwin as Goku who must collect the dragonballs before Piccalo (NOT an alien) played by James Marsters gets them so he can do some unconceivable, yet generic evil to the world. And yes, James Marsters is the guy who played Spike in Buffy. James Wong has directed "The One" with Jet Li and "Final Destination 3".

