Detective Conan's Guide to Politics

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has recently released a pamphlet explaining the upcoming G8 (Group of Eight) Summit in Hokkaido on July 7th. The catch is, they "hired" the cast of "Detective Conan" to help out.

The G8 Summit this summer is going to have representitives from eight countries (obviously): Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. Together, these countries represent roughly 65 percent of the world's economy and come together once a calendar year to discuss important matters, such as security, economic growth, wether or not they're going to let China in the club, so on and so forth. Japan has really been preparing for this summit, even conducting anti-terrorist drills. The Land of the Rising Sun is getting pumped, that's for sure.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also developed another guide using Conan and crew to explain their job to children with another pamphlet and some manga pages, so Conan is already somewhat accepted as a Ministry spokesman.

Anime News Network
The Wikipedia
