I Huzzah in your general direction!

Okay, I'm going to try this whole "post en mass" thing and hope it works. I was looking over on JapanProbe and found almost the entire front page of news amusing. Apologies for the slew of short bits.

Nagano Torch Event Cancelled
In fear of similar Anti-China protests from around the world, an event that was to follow the Nagano leg of the Olympic torch relay has been cancelled due to security concerns. This is the first of the events that the city has had to cancel, which was cited as necessary “in order to concentrate on management of the torch relay.”

Source: JapanProbe

Schoolgirls v Cops
A group of junior high girls in Saitama Prefecture were arressted for assaulting a police officer after he scolded them for riding doubles on a non-doubles bicycle. The officer involved was shoved, then kicked, cursed and spat at before being able to arrest the girls.

In a related, but totally unscientific poll, Japanese junior high girls are deemed more frightening than even anime fans and robots. The girls recieved 508 of the 1143 votes as of very early morning April 17th (US Eastern Time). Anime fans (351) and robots (201) still beat the Japanese policeman, who only gained 83 votes.

Source: JapanProbe

OMGZ Free Anime!
Ah, but there's a catch. The anime, called Megumi, is about a thirteen-year-old named Yokota Megumi who disappeared on her way home from school in 1977. The culprits was not one of the usual suspects though, but North Korea. Yeah... *nods head slowly* ...politics. Either love 'em or hate 'em. The film can be found here as a free download to promote awareness of these kidnappings by the North Koreans. English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean are the available languages.

Source: JapanProbe
