My name is Brett and this is my blog.
Im a redneck in the 11th grade.
LIkes:country music, trucks, weapons, classic rock, wolves, girls, nature, werewolves, anime, and yo mama.
Dislikes: perverted people, people who are prejudice against autsitic people, cigarettes, people who hate and damage nature, snobs.
nicknames: redneck, toby keith, bear, mutt(watch it).
BDAY: 8/12
favorite anime: Naruto
favorite food: chiken with rootbeer.
clubs I belong in: Teh Biju Clubs(DeidaraNarutoClan) poke gijinka revolution
(otomi babii) joint story(EoAA) the pack (Eiri Yuki s Lover)


no awesome titlse come to mind

98% of teens say "I love you" ... but only 2% actually mean it,if you are part of that 2% add this to your profile.

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile

If you would walk a thousand miles just to see the one you love for 5 minutes; Copy and paste this into your world


im going to start a new world, you just PM me and ill post any country music video you like. i have always wanted to run a country radio station so thats why im going to start this new world.


this is my tribute to anime and summer. enjoy.

thursday and friday nights.

ok friday night i went to a banquit for the FFA at my school. we had awards given out to different members. i got 2 certificates for being a greenhand wich is helping out and for being on the tool team where we study tools. some of the senior members gave speachs and said there good-byes. some of the senior FFA officers were crying. friday night or tonight me and my dad went to see the world of outlaws sprint cars race at the dirt track. we headed back home after the final race for the sprint cars because we didnt really want to see the late models race and the fact that we hvent had rain in a week has made the track dry and duct was kicked up into a duststorm. my allergies went crazy and i have been sneezing evey 10 seconds for 3 hours. -_- but its worth it. i havent seen a race in a while and this was to make up for the tracter pull i went too and i got that terrible migrane and eft early. but it was real awesome. in a few weeks im going to see a dukes of hazzard stunt show. im really looking forward to that! XD


the day started off good till lunch came at school. Me and hannah were sitting with a couple guys at the table. hannah was silent liek she always is. A friend of ours named evan comes over to the table in horror. He sat down at the table and along coems the most annoying guy in the school names shaun. He always has the weird smile on his face and is always wide eyed like hes insane. He sits down and starts telling us how he rapes his mom. everyone except me evan and hannah left the table. evan tells the guy to go shove a pencil thru his hand. the retard actually does it. he starts shoving the pencil into his arm and he shouts, that hurts like a mother F***er! a teacher comes over and tells him to go to the office and he gets in deep trouble for doing this. i have him in 4th period. when i got to 4th he was giving me this evil stair like he was going to hang me from a tree. He even shoved against a wall and a couple guys came up to him and pushed him off. he started cussing out the 6FT giant redneck in the class.(not me) i thought there was going to be a fight. there wasnt one but i told the teacher the story when she asked me and he was taken to the office....................well anyway after school i got home and my dad installed new speakers in the office. now when im playing my war games and im shooting a rifle it rocks the whole room and vibrate the floors. ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! LOL well i hope you all have a good day to day and a better day tomarrow catch later.