My name is Brett and this is my blog.
Im a redneck in the 11th grade.
LIkes:country music, trucks, weapons, classic rock, wolves, girls, nature, werewolves, anime, and yo mama.
Dislikes: perverted people, people who are prejudice against autsitic people, cigarettes, people who hate and damage nature, snobs.
nicknames: redneck, toby keith, bear, mutt(watch it).
BDAY: 8/12
favorite anime: Naruto
favorite food: chiken with rootbeer.
clubs I belong in: Teh Biju Clubs(DeidaraNarutoClan) poke gijinka revolution
(otomi babii) joint story(EoAA) the pack (Eiri Yuki s Lover)


redneck 911 call

Ok so i was just going thru utube and found this video. I reminded me of a guy at school who asked is i wanted to go squirrel hunting with him of course i said no and this is why. XD


OK so yesterday i went to see a tracter pull. I had never been to one before. I saw the modified tracter wich had the huge helicopter engines on them and some had like 4 V8 engines on them. some tracters had like 10,000 horse power and they were the loudest thing i have ever heard even thru my ear protection it was really loud. my favorite was the farm tracters. one of the john deeres pulled the full length of the track while the modifeid tracters didnt go very far. It was the first pull of the season so there alot of trouble for the modifeids. The farm tracters when they went the wood puff out a black storm cloud the whole length of the track. It was sweet. but i had to leave after the first half of the pull becuase i got a massize mygrane wich turned into upset stomach. I went to bed around 9:00 PM but i normally stay up on weekends till past midnight. but i bought a t-shirt and had fun. i might post a picture of it soon.


0_0 2 girls got in a fight in 1st period today. the started arguing and then one of them slapped the other and before i knew it was a slap fest. all we did in class was watch. we didnt try to brake anyone up. it was to fun to watch. (im terible XD) after the cat fight i went to social studies and it was boring but then i went to sell plants in 3rd period. we had a plant sell and i sold 3 plants. then we went to 4th and then left. tomarrow im going to go play in the stream and have fun. its like 95 degrees over here. im might get a tan, swim, fly my RC airplane, work on my mini bike, and goof off. XD saturdays are awesome. i wish CK would come over so it would be the perfect saturday. ^ ^

p.s. one girl got a black eye


i joined something for FFA. it was idintifying tools and telling what they are used for. we would compet with other schools to see who knows the most. there were five of us and only a group of 4 was could compete so we had a test. i got the lowest grade so im not going to compete but becuase of the teacher teaching the tools to us i wasnt so mad. she i was a real B**** to me. but there was some fun today. after the test i went out side to help some guys planting bulbs in the ground. (flowers)
ok we were wokring on planting bulbs in some soil in agriscience and sandip a short indian kid threw a dirt claude at me travis and landed and it threw dirt on our pants and one of us said, "sun of a," and we got up and chased him. i grabbed his legs and one of them grabbed his arms and travis gave him a wedgy. We were laughing so hard and sandip was laughing to while holding a sertan place. we went back to work and soon we had some people come watch us work. they were 8th graders learning about the classes. me and my dad are working on his old mini bike. we had to buy an engine for it and it hasnt run in 25-30 years. so we been working on it. when its ready i will post some pictures of it.


I heard on the news about troops going back to afganastan and i thought back to 911. I was at school in the 3rd grade and the phone rang in the teachers office in the room. my teacher called me back there. she gave me the phone and said and it my mom. she tolled me a plane hit one of the twin towers. she said i could tell the class but i didnt becuase i didnt under stabd how serious this was. when i got home i learned about the other 3 planes and the towers calapsing. I didnt really understand how bad it was until a year later. I learned about bin laden and i wantes him dead. i wa a real patriot. this video shows what i think has happend to most people in america.