My name is Brett and this is my blog.
Im a redneck in the 11th grade.
LIkes:country music, trucks, weapons, classic rock, wolves, girls, nature, werewolves, anime, and yo mama.
Dislikes: perverted people, people who are prejudice against autsitic people, cigarettes, people who hate and damage nature, snobs.
nicknames: redneck, toby keith, bear, mutt(watch it).
BDAY: 8/12
favorite anime: Naruto
favorite food: chiken with rootbeer.
clubs I belong in: Teh Biju Clubs(DeidaraNarutoClan) poke gijinka revolution
(otomi babii) joint story(EoAA) the pack (Eiri Yuki s Lover)



Ok, so today start off working on the brakes for this motor bike i have. well it doesnt have an engine. it was my dads 30 years ago and the motor went bad so we got rid of it. then we went to the sheriffs office and signed some papers for a hand gun permit. we discovered a place tha that had engines for the mini bike so we are going to go get one in a few minutes but after discovering the engines we had to go take my cousin to her house cause she was staying with us and when we got to her house wich is out in the coutry there was a puppy at her door step wich belonged to the naibor. I played with him and then he went home and me and my dad left. we thru a historic part of the small town and went to a place called furniture factory outlet world wich was this big 100 yeard old company that sells furniture. i found a couple wolf paintings i liked and a camo recliner i really wanted but im broke and the recliner was $500.0_0 anyway after driving for an hour im back home.

my bad

ok i was writing for midnight moon and posted only i forgot to chnage it from bretts neck fo the woods to midnight moon. so if you what i just posted i corrected and put back on midnight moon. sorry about the mess up. ^ ^


Today was boring to start. all i did was surf online and play computer games but it got good when we decided to go to BJ's. its a store you got to be a member of. we got abunch of stuff then we passed the New iron bar. I chin up bar. I have wanted it for months and the price was good so my mom bought it for me. We got home and opened it up and all the screws were missing.
then i felt bad and then i felt mad wow i got mood swings. LOL CK is wearing off on me. i told me parents and we went back to get another one. We got home and it had screws. We put it together and then i did some chin ups and pulls ups and stuff. Now my arms are soor.LOL im going to get ripped like a model. YAY ME!!! anyway its kinda boring over here no one to be with except my parents wich were not here for 4 hours cause my dad was working and my mom drove for 4 hours to and fro to get my cousin who had a 2 kidney stones removed. so anyway it i would be really graitful is your leave some comments. please? thank you.


I just wanted to mention my favorite country singer is charlie daniels and i after death he will still be my favorite. he is the best and will always be the best.

a hard day

today at school was kinda bad. it went ok till second period when i had to glue defenitions on paper. i always hated that. Then in third period it was fun. we had to take apart a wood shevelf wich was alot better then paper work. It would have been fun except for the bees nest near where we were and my teacher just said deel with it. he could have used bug spray! so we had to dodge the bees as we worked. then the palen kicked in and i started sneezing my head off. hammer in one hand and tissues in the other and a pocket full of screws. if thangs were bad enough it began to rain. that drove the bees away from the nest so we nocked it down. we were working under this shaded area wich we are turning into a tracter shed. pollen coated everything so as we worked we were kicking it up and i got more of it up my nose. i felt terrible. i hate this part of the year. for bees and pollen.