My name is Brett and this is my blog.
Im a redneck in the 11th grade.
LIkes:country music, trucks, weapons, classic rock, wolves, girls, nature, werewolves, anime, and yo mama.
Dislikes: perverted people, people who are prejudice against autsitic people, cigarettes, people who hate and damage nature, snobs.
nicknames: redneck, toby keith, bear, mutt(watch it).
BDAY: 8/12
favorite anime: Naruto
favorite food: chiken with rootbeer.
clubs I belong in: Teh Biju Clubs(DeidaraNarutoClan) poke gijinka revolution
(otomi babii) joint story(EoAA) the pack (Eiri Yuki s Lover)


parents gone its a part? no it aint!

my parents left with some friends to go some resteraunt with the dumbest name.
i thought i was going to have fun and party but no. the radio had nothing party material on so i decided to make some fake blood. that was the most exciting thing i did. now im jsut posting this, petting my 20 pound cat patchs.
yes his name is patchs. im drinking water from my rootbeer mug i found in the attic. it says on it.

"it never fials...
three rootbeers
and woodstock
falls sound asleep!

yes snoopy is on it and woodstock is asleep at his feet. i take to rootbeer like shukaku to sake. oh and im listening to "start a band" in the next room.
its a country song. well i might just be a kotch potato for the rest of the night. well i hope your night is more fun then mine that wont be to hard.


i found twilight on utube. i was wondering if i should post it..............i just wanted to see if thats what yall wanted. so i was thinking a vote. post yes or no for the vote. thank you and have a good day, after noon, night what ever time it is.

rock you like a hurricane!!!

i found this and loved the song so i just wanted to post this. i love the song!!!!

coffey general store

the pain

I have a migrane. it hurts to move my head or blink. ah its painful to even type this. im going to the shower at six and going to bed at 7:30. but thats if the medicen i just took doesnt work. im sleepy too. maybe ill do what kyuubi does and sleep at my desk. *yawn* nighty night.