ITRODUCTION: The North Carolina Mountains are peaceful. There are the kind people in the small towns. The culture takes you back in time. The air is fresh and wild life is everywhere. But peace just as light has a shadow. This is my story.

My name is Brett Patterson. IV lived in North Carolina all my life. I’m 20 years old and fresh from collage. I went to my uncle’s place to help him run is small farm until. I got a letter in the mail. My cousin running the family’s general store passed away. I knew I had to go and take over. It was family tradition. Within a couple days I was packed and headed for the mountains. By chance my great grandma’s old home was up for sail. Without a second thought I bought the house. It was close to the store. Along the road to my new home were small water falls. It was a really nice place. IT seemed like peace. I moved in to my great grandmas old home. I barely remember the times I was there before she died. It over looked a valley below and you were about eye level with Brown Mountain. I had all my possessions moved into the house before I arrived. Not to far down the road from the house was an old cemetery where the coffee family is buried including my great grandparents. I drove up past the cemetery remembering the funeral. It was snow and ice but a beautiful day. I came up to the house and turned off the gravel road into the drive way that ran around the back of the house. I stepped out and carried a couple bags to the front porch. I stepped in examining the house. I put my bags on the floor and went around checking drawers and closets to see if everything was there. It seemed exactly like I wanted it. I sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV. Not to long into watching CMT the door bell range. I got up and opened the door to see an old man about 60’s-70’s in age with a long beard and thin as a pencil. He smiled and said,” welcome to our tiny slice of heaven on earth”. He picked up a straw basket filled with fruits. I chuckled, “come on in I could use some company”, I said to him with a grin. He walked on it with a stick cane in hand and the basket in the other. I pointed to a coat rack and said, “Just hang your cane on one of them hooks and have a seat”. I offered him a beer but he denied it. I sat down next to him with Andy Griffith on TV. He looked at me and said with an old warn out voice, “I wish you hadn’t done moved here”. I looked at him with a look of, “damn that’s rude”. I asked him puzzled, “why’s that old time?” he looked out the window of my house and said, “follow me out to your porch.” Of course I followed him out and we sat in a couple wood rockers on the porch. We pointed out to the woods below the mountain. He began wit ha deep breath, “they heard the screams of people coming from the woods and echoing of the rocks along the streams.” I thought it was a ghost story so I listened curious. I asked him, “Have you heard these screams?” He nodded several times. “IV heard them once each week while I’m sleeping. It doesn’t matter if you sleep or are a wake. You will hear them”, he said with a mournful tone. He walked in and got his cane and came back out. He pointed up the road and said, “I live up there if you need anything just ask”.
I wanted to thank him for coming but I was speechless to what I just heard. I was unnerved so I immediately went to my gun safe. I opened it and made sure the guns were loaded. I even put a pistol in the drawer next to my bed. That night was just like any other I ate, showered and went to be without any trouble until…
I was woken by a sound like taping on a window. It sounded like it came from down stairs. I opened the drawer and pulled out my revolver. I walked out of my bed room in a white tank top and camouflaged shorts. I had the gun aimed at every corner as I slowly went down stairs. I got down to the living room and I heard nothing. All was silent then I heard the scratching behind me on the window next to the front door. I turned scared to death to see a raccoon pawing on the window. I walked up and tapped on the glass and he took off across the dirt road and down the hill. I chuckled a bit and went back to bed with no more trouble. The next day was like any normal morning. I walked out on the porch to get a good look at the view which was breath taking. I picked up the morning paper and started flipping thru it. A new bar had opened about 2 miles away. I decided to go check it out later that night. I couldn’t the smile off my face. I’ve always wanted to live in the mountains. I got in my ford ranger to start at the Coffey general store. Named after my great grandmother Coffey. It was store for campers with a small museum in it. An old post office from the 1940’s-1950’s. I took inventory and sat behind the counter with the radio playing. It was slow till I saw an RV pull of on the gravel area across the street. Across the street is a small stream where people come for picnics and to play in. The people came in and got what they needed and I made $30 I thanked them for coming and they were on there way. Five minutes later a mustang GT pulled up and a man and a woman in dark clothes stepped out. They looked like they mint business. They walked in and gave me a glare. I was unnerved but I didn’t say anything. The picked a couple bags of beef jerky and thru them on the counter. I added it up to $6.95. They paid and walked out. I watched them as the walked to there car. The man got in the car and the women pulled out a phone. The whole time she was on the phone she was looking thru the window at the counter, right at me. I was really unnerved. They got in there car and took off. All I could say was good riddance. I had a couple RVs and a trailer home stop by the shop before it was closing time. I had always wanted to walk in the mountains during the night. The sky was clear and the stars were visible like nothing I had ever seen before. I locked up shop, grabbed my jean jacket and headed off down the road. Early fall in the mountains seemed like early winter. I found a sign. It pointed up a dirt road into the trees. I stopped right at the opening into the trees and started walking. It was just about pitch black. I was sorta creeped out. I kept walking down that dirt road barely able to see it below my feet. I walked around a bend in the road and came to the front door of and building. A sign lit up over the door read “blood bar”. I ignored it as just a name. I walked in and was hit with the sound of metal music and the eyes of what felt like a thousand emo’s and Goth’s. I looked around and headed for an empty bar stool. Sitting at the bar I looked at the selection. I ordered a coke and just sat there every now and then glancing over at the rest of the bar. Id see people looking at me and whispering to some one else. The bar tender came to me while cleaning a shot glass with a rag. He came close to me and whispered, “You’re not supposed to be here”. I looked at him puzzled and he handed me a bottle of whine and a shot glass. I poured me a shot and drank it. Before I could swallow I gagged on the stuff and spit it on floor. I shouted at him, “THAT’S NOT BLOOD!” The music stopped and I turned to see every one looking at me. I put a couple bucks on the counter for the drink and began to walk out. I stepped thru the door and looked outside. There were at least 20 of them blocking my path. I said to them, “I didn’t come to fight”. They chuckled and began to walk toward me. I pulled out a gun and aimed at one of them. I was really scared now. “Get back, ill shoot”, I said. They kept walking with smiles on there face. I was shaking now. I hesitated but pulled the trigger. The man I was aimed at only flinch and began laughing. I fired again and again until I had fired all six shots. I saw and opening to my right and took off for the dark woods. I didn’t get 10 feet before I was grabbed. I was surrounded and being picked up. I was carried behind the bar counter and my hands were chained together. I was hung from a hook in the ceiling be my hands. My feet were then chained together and a hunk of steel was hooked to the chains around me feet. I mouth was duck taped shut. I was tangling about a foot off the ground the steel wait was preventing me from swing. I saw to the corner of my eye a man carrying a barrel toward me. They lifted my legs and placed the barrel under me. They dropped the wait into the empty barrel and my legs with it. It yanked me to the point my chained wrists began to bleed from the chains digging in. I could only moan thru the tape. The bar tender came out with a steak knife. I was squirming and trying to brake free. I felt drips of blood coming down my arms. A couple other jumped the counter with pockets knives drawn and fire in there eyes. One of them cut my shirt off the others started slashing at my bare skin. All I could do was holler. I was slashed repeatedly till my jeans went from blue to a dark red. I was beginning to loose consciousness. The only thought that went thru my mind was, “why?” I was enjoying a fresh soda and then I’m being slashed to pieces. Blood began to pool in the barrel below me. I fought to keep myself awake with the loss of blood. I was at my wits end when out of no where I was unchained. I was on the floor looking up at these people hanging over me and one grabbed me by my feet and dragged me down the stairs to the basement. I was just left in the floor dripping with my own blood. Until I finally passed out.
