school fun

ok today i got up at 9AM and went to school for the first FFA meeting of the school year. we worked outside to prepare for school to start. i was partnered with a tyler (class pall from last year) he would use the hedge trimmer and i would rake up what he cut. the only down side...............WE HAD HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF HORNETS IN THE FRONT YARDS OF THE SCHOOL!!!! they were all around us. for some reason they were not attacking but since if have a fobia for bees i was really on egde. ounce the bush were done we went up to the building and started cleaing out our green house wich was alot nicer cause it had the big fans like 4 feet wide blowing out of the green house and it just felt so good to walk by one. ^ ^ espialy since it was like 94 degrees. ^ ^
after we were done with sorting plants we dumped dead ones into a wheel barrel and put them in the compost heep. the FFA presedent came up to us and took us to the class room and tyler asked him what was next and we all three said. "FOOD", we got some chips and drinks, i got some BBQ potater chips and coke. one guy offered me deit and i said no. in my head i was thinking, i 120 pounds do i look like i need diet? XD the next part was fun. we had a tug of war and the looser was who ever got pulled thru the sprinkler. XD i didnt because my team had the strongest people. ^ ^ it was fun until when i got home and i got and upset stomach..........probably from those potater chips. oh well i feel better
