HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ok today was not my birthday but it was a party for my BDAY. sweet sixteen!!!!
we were blowing up apples in my yard with leftover fire crackers and i played with my little cousins. my mom put a picture of a john deere tracter on my cake and i had alot of pictures taken. when it came time to open presents i had to read like 8 cards. in thouse cards was 3 bass pro gift cards and like $200 in cash. JACKPOT!!!! when it came time to pull stuff out of bags the presents got bigger with each bag i opened. first came something from my uncle. it was 3 longe sleeve shirts and jeans. ^ ^ i needed the jeans. Next was something from my grandparents. It was a 4 pack of stewerts rootbeer and a bag of goldfish. ^^ i loves me some goldfish and id kill for me rootbeer.XD
next was my favorite so far from mom and dad. it was a front light a back light for my bike. i love to bike at night and i needed some lights but that wasnt all. mom walked down the hallway and came back with something that scared me and made me very happy. A MACHETE!!! she went to wallmart and bought me a machete. iv needed one because of all the rain we have had the trials me and my naiber made have grown over in the woods with small trees and cudzoo. i needed a machete but its not a very good one its only 6 bucks they said, we are going to take it back and with buy a better one from army navy. ^ ^ but that was nothing compared to what came next. a giant(heavy) bag. i pulled out abunch of tissue paper and then i pulled out something rapped in a towel. when i pilled away the towel low and behold......."listen up CK if your reading this" A LAPTOP!!!!!!! it was my naibors. she got a new one for christmas and decided to ive the old one to me. i almost cried when i got it. my mom was crying on my shoulder. T_T it was so awesome! my mom said come tuesday we might go to hooters and the day after that on the 12(my actual birthday) we will go eat anywhere i want. ^ ^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ME!!!!
