johnny cash

This is a report im doing on johnny cash. this is my way of sending it home to finish since emailing myself never works.

When I was born my parents couldn’t agree on a name so they called me J.R. after my dad. It wasn’t until I enlisted in the air force that I legally changed my name to Johnny cash. I spent the early years of my life working with my parents in out cotton fields where wed sing while we worked. It was the practice that shaped my career as a singer. I had 6 brothers. Tommy became a successful country artist as well. One day our cotton field was flooded by a nearby river. That helped me write “five feet high and rising.” During the great depression my family suffered greatly. This inspired many of my songs. Things got worse when jack got pulled into a large spinning table saw and was almost cut in two. This happened in 1944 and jack suffered for a week before he died. Me and my mom had a bad feeling about that day and begged jack to go fishing instead. Jack said he had to work. My beginning in my singing career was in gospel music on the radio. My first album I made while I was in high school called, “My mothers hymn book”. On July 18, 1951 while I was in the military I met a 17 year old woman named Vivian libretto at a roller skating rink in San Antonio. We dated for 3 weeks until I was deployed to Germany for 3 years. When I returned we got married at St. Anne's Catholic Church in San Antonio. On my tours I began to start doing drugs and drinking and I had several affairs. Divorce soon followed. In 1966
