
ok yesterday was the FFA banquet and it was alittle crazy. I had to dress fancy wich i hate. I had to study a poem i had to read wich was making me really nervous. I got mentioned in a poem by a friend. We had to throw a ball with string attached to it and throw it over the green house to pull a shade tarp over it. My ball got tangled in a tree wich was funny and then a friend yelled at me and was trying to yank it down. he broke the string and stayed up there for 2 weeks. we were on the ground holder our guts laughing. XD and there was this picture of me holding a rat snake i snatched out of our garden and about half the 200 ffa member and guests laughed and looked at me. Alittle while later i read my speech and sorta messed up when reading it so i had to free ball it. ^ ^; my thoughts were pretty much "oh shit." XD. Then the officers named the FFA officers for 2010-2011. I signed up for sentinal but i didnt get it. Wich brought me down a bit. i got 2 paper awards and when did took them to the car he fell and ripped them and skinned his wrist. I almost punched a hole in the wall but then i felt guilty for not caring about him first. Then i learned he was feeling guilty for ripping them and so i felt worse. T_T i assured him later and i got copies today. :3 only other bad thing was today my teach gave me ISS because i had to pee and was late to the class room. i was sick and slow and i had to use the rest room. mother Fing B*tch
