DUtch and demom hunting.

I was a 15 growing up in a town in the mountians. My dad was a respected hunter and gun collecter. My mom was even kinder. SHe worked at a diner in town. you could throw a deer at her and one hour later she would have deer steaks served on every table. We were close like you wouldnt believe until it happend. i drove my dad to my moms diner in has Mack truck. I dropped him off and went to school. After school. I drove to a parking lot in town and was going to take a nap. I woke up to the sound of a loud wooshing sound. I thought it was a gust of wind. So i tried to go back to sleep. Then i heard a lowd BOOM like a bomb went off then the building about fifty feet away from my trukc exploded and the trucks windows shattered from the blast. I got out and looked to the skys. It was black with giant birds with wing spans about 20-25 feet long. They were spitten fire balls at anything that moved. what ever they hit would explode. The birds were flying over me and attacking the town. I ran inton town looking for my parents. I looked back intime to see my mack get blown up. A biulding about 2 doors down the side walk had the front blown away. THe fire from the blast shot side ways. It went across the street and calt another building on fire. people were running for cover but some were snatched by the birds and dropped to there deaths. I jumped some flaming debree and cept on running. I saw the diner across the street. I ran toward it. Before i got to the middle of the street a fire ball hit it. I was blown onto my back and covered my face from falling debree. Tears soaking my face. I got up and ran inside. I looked around bodies were everywhere. I walked into the kitchen and found my dad holding my mom. They were dead. I screamed at the sky tears streaming down my face. I ran out of the store and something inside me broke loose. MY DEMOM BLOOD WAS AWAKENING!
