we had this guy who lived across the street he is 2 years younger then me and he was evil. he smashed my mail box twice, TP my house, silly stringed my car port, and egged my house. and his mother and brother did drugs. his brother threatend to kill a teacher because he got a bad graid. we called the police on them twice on more time and they go to juvi. he moved for 3 months. we were happy and now hes back. hes making friends with the new naibors kids and i bet hes going to try is old tricks again. i give a 100 bucks to kick his can just ounce. -_- everyone one on the street hates him. he better not mess with the guy next door. hes an ex-marine with a german shepard. well im in hell so i might as well get comfortable and kick that kids but when he tries to mess with me. kyuubi come and eat this guy! please? T_T
