I was fresh from training when i was told i would go on my first hunt. i had bean trained in shape shifting and in using charka to control shock waves or sound. I would make these shock waves by moving at super sonic speeds but I could only kick and punch at those speeds. i had some experience with control plants but was bad at it. i had gotten closer and closer to tora as time went on and as my training got more entence. my first hunt was for a Demon said to be living in a town not far from where the birds attack. i was sitting on Toras couch at her house. A nice mountain cabon. i needed some fire power to take out the demon quick or atleast wound it. Tora walked into the room holding a black box. She sat down next to Dutch and said, this is the strongest pistol ever made. Its a compact elevant gun. I was really excited but scared at the same time. She opened the box slowly and showed me a pig pistol. I was a single shot weapon but very deadly. I it was a 600 magnum. She came me 8 rounds. They were big. I had never seen anything like them even in my dads collection. she told me it was to loud to secretly train with it. I slipped then 10 rounds into my belt and put then gun in a huge holster down my leg. I put on a trench coat to conceil it and i crove the transam to the town I parked on the side of the road at the edge of town. I got out and walked around a while. I had a feeling that i was going to get killed but i tried to stay brave. I got the sent of the demons chakra. it was very small. I man walked past me on the side walk and i made eye contact. I had the feeling that he knew what i was and i knew what he was. I let him walk a few feet down the side walk. I pulled out my gun and slipped the round into the chamber. I pulled that hammer back and i fired. THe bullet hit him in the back. I saw a red spay come from his back and he turned with a gun and took fire on me and got behind a car and relaoded. I good sence himeg getting closer. I jumped out and took aim and fired. THe bullet went over his shoulder and a car behind him. The car just started smoking like a smoke stack. we couldnt see. I put the gun away and turned into a tiger. I charged into the smoke and tackled him. I pinned him against the car i had shot. I went for the face but he held up his rist and i bit into it. i had his armed pinned with my left paw and my right paw was digging claws into his neck. Some how he threw me off him and threw the window of a bar. It turned into a classic bar fight. We could give any idea of what we were. He decided to run for it. He ran out of the bar with me on his tail. He scraped his gun off the ground and started firing back at me. I loaded mine while dodging his fire. HE turned into a giant howl and tried to fly off. I took sharp aim with my pistol as he got farther away. I lost sight of him in the night. I pulled the trigger with the gun aimed at the sky. I lowered the gun and began to walk away when i hurd the loud thump. I ran into the woods and found his body in human form. The bullet went right into his back and into the heart. I was amazed at what i did. A feeling of accomplishment and guilt came over me but the guilt was drowned by the thought of my parents being killed. I took out the spent shell from the gun and stuck the shell in my pocket. thats when i noticed the pain in my shoulder. He had got me ounce in the shoulder with his gun. I dragged his body to a river and before tossing it in i cut off a peice of his hair and one of his owl feathers.
THe body sank and i never saw it again. I walked back up the hil from the river and got to my car. I drove off to the meeting area at the top of the mountain where we first met. I walked up to the tree and waited for her in the clear night. I heard a voice say, i see you hunt was a success. I looked up and saw her sitting on al limb. SHe jumped down and looked at my chest. I fell back against the tree in pain and slide to the ground. She laid her hand on my chest and it began to glow. i held her hand against my chest and the wound was healed. I was amazed. She asked me a favor. I nodded and she said, close your eyes. I did. three seconds later.....we were kissing. It went on for what seemed like forever. We had fallen in love during my training only it had not been shown till that second under the moon.
