wacky saturday

ok, my day started with saturday school to make up for a snowday. It ended at 11:15 i think. After that i got some lunch and i had to go to the woods an pickup trach for a project. I waded thru the cold waters of the stream and started picking up trash and stuff. After that i wnet to this construction site and there was this pond. I decided to go up to it and soak my feet only sarrounding dirt is really quick sand so when i got up to it i sank to my knees in red clay mud. I was so sloppy i couldnt move. I almost fell into the rest of it. I walked out in to the pond and up a stream that makes the pond. I cleaned the stuff off my legs and then went back to the mud. I play with mud for a few minutes and then i had to go home. But i washed off so my mom wouldnt eat me alive. 0_0 ok anyway i might go back to the pond and crawl on the bottom to see whats down there. it so merky i cant see where im going to step so im not really sure i want to go in there. but im brave...........alittle. im not sure what i will do. oh well. Oh me and CK made a bet lst year and i lost. It was who would have the better grade for the whole year and i lost so now i got to to something. we will let you know when it happens. in other words we will post a picture.......well CK will post it. my camera is on the fritz.ok thats what happend and i will post what i did tomarrow.
