
We had to get the sheep used to us so we went out there and spent time petting them. We got an older female wich was really nice. we had a harnice around its face and it didnt even run. we kept it in a corner while we were petting it but the other one who was a mother was insane. the baby sheep was running around and the mother was going after it and what better place for it to hide then behind me and 2 other guys. We ran away just in time. The mother was taken out of the pin and tied to a post because at one point it bucked itself onto its back. we were tackleing it to get it under control. It was really crazy today. but we did help the teacher. we noticed some of the crews in the pin were showing and were sharp. The goats could have been hurt if they would hit the side of the shack. oh ya when the mother goat was taken out it rammed the door on the way out and dented it. and when our goat was taken out of the harness it ran out the door and it jumped and it clicked its heels. It was so funny. the baby is really cute. its only 2-3 weeks old and its bigger the a beegle dog. LOL they grow up so fast. LOL my school has the biggest agriculture department around and we have been on the news twice. i was on the news once out of those two. it was for a ribbon cutting for the new barn. yep its awesome. the only problem is the tracter is busted and wont run.
