a hard day

today at school was kinda bad. it went ok till second period when i had to glue defenitions on paper. i always hated that. Then in third period it was fun. we had to take apart a wood shevelf wich was alot better then paper work. It would have been fun except for the bees nest near where we were and my teacher just said deel with it. he could have used bug spray! so we had to dodge the bees as we worked. then the palen kicked in and i started sneezing my head off. hammer in one hand and tissues in the other and a pocket full of screws. if thangs were bad enough it began to rain. that drove the bees away from the nest so we nocked it down. we were working under this shaded area wich we are turning into a tracter shed. pollen coated everything so as we worked we were kicking it up and i got more of it up my nose. i felt terrible. i hate this part of the year. for bees and pollen.
