Today was boring to start. all i did was surf online and play computer games but it got good when we decided to go to BJ's. its a store you got to be a member of. we got abunch of stuff then we passed the New iron bar. I chin up bar. I have wanted it for months and the price was good so my mom bought it for me. We got home and opened it up and all the screws were missing.
then i felt bad and then i felt mad wow i got mood swings. LOL CK is wearing off on me. i told me parents and we went back to get another one. We got home and it had screws. We put it together and then i did some chin ups and pulls ups and stuff. Now my arms are soor.LOL im going to get ripped like a model. YAY ME!!! anyway its kinda boring over here no one to be with except my parents wich were not here for 4 hours cause my dad was working and my mom drove for 4 hours to and fro to get my cousin who had a 2 kidney stones removed. so anyway it i would be really graitful is your leave some comments. please? thank you.
