i joined something for FFA. it was idintifying tools and telling what they are used for. we would compet with other schools to see who knows the most. there were five of us and only a group of 4 was could compete so we had a test. i got the lowest grade so im not going to compete but becuase of the teacher teaching the tools to us i wasnt so mad. she i was a real B**** to me. but there was some fun today. after the test i went out side to help some guys planting bulbs in the ground. (flowers)
ok we were wokring on planting bulbs in some soil in agriscience and sandip a short indian kid threw a dirt claude at me travis and landed and it threw dirt on our pants and one of us said, "sun of a," and we got up and chased him. i grabbed his legs and one of them grabbed his arms and travis gave him a wedgy. We were laughing so hard and sandip was laughing to while holding a sertan place. we went back to work and soon we had some people come watch us work. they were 8th graders learning about the classes. me and my dad are working on his old mini bike. we had to buy an engine for it and it hasnt run in 25-30 years. so we been working on it. when its ready i will post some pictures of it.
