0_0 2 girls got in a fight in 1st period today. the started arguing and then one of them slapped the other and before i knew it was a slap fest. all we did in class was watch. we didnt try to brake anyone up. it was to fun to watch. (im terible XD) after the cat fight i went to social studies and it was boring but then i went to sell plants in 3rd period. we had a plant sell and i sold 3 plants. then we went to 4th and then left. tomarrow im going to go play in the stream and have fun. its like 95 degrees over here. im might get a tan, swim, fly my RC airplane, work on my mini bike, and goof off. XD saturdays are awesome. i wish CK would come over so it would be the perfect saturday. ^ ^

p.s. one girl got a black eye
