ok, me and a friend of CK were sitting with 4 other guys at the lunhc table and i look down at the floor while some took a sip og milk and the next thing i know. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOO!!!!! i turned around to see milk all over the table and alittle on everyone at the table including me. WE busted out laughing as we wiped the strawberry milk from us. It was everywhere laughing so hard everyone in the lunch room looked at us. I didnt notice until today when some one told me. i was laughing so hard i got a migrane and had trouble breathing. even cks friend was laughing wich shocked me because mostly she is really silent. But we all got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. we were laughing the whole day. It was so gross yet the funniest thing ever in my life. Im laughing so so hard right now as i type this. the best part is it was on camera. we always have the camera lookign at us in the lucnhroom because of where we sit.
