the day started off good till lunch came at school. Me and hannah were sitting with a couple guys at the table. hannah was silent liek she always is. A friend of ours named evan comes over to the table in horror. He sat down at the table and along coems the most annoying guy in the school names shaun. He always has the weird smile on his face and is always wide eyed like hes insane. He sits down and starts telling us how he rapes his mom. everyone except me evan and hannah left the table. evan tells the guy to go shove a pencil thru his hand. the retard actually does it. he starts shoving the pencil into his arm and he shouts, that hurts like a mother F***er! a teacher comes over and tells him to go to the office and he gets in deep trouble for doing this. i have him in 4th period. when i got to 4th he was giving me this evil stair like he was going to hang me from a tree. He even shoved against a wall and a couple guys came up to him and pushed him off. he started cussing out the 6FT giant redneck in the class.(not me) i thought there was going to be a fight. there wasnt one but i told the teacher the story when she asked me and he was taken to the office....................well anyway after school i got home and my dad installed new speakers in the office. now when im playing my war games and im shooting a rifle it rocks the whole room and vibrate the floors. ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! LOL well i hope you all have a good day to day and a better day tomarrow catch later.
