ok i got up at 7:00 AM to take my cat to get groomed. mom woke me and i was fixing to throw to lock my door and go back to bed but i got up. my mom brought in the carrier and my cat just ran under my bed. I had to pull my bed out and pull him from under the bed. I had to hold him in a akward way wich worried me since hes 10 years old and has sore joints and stuff. :(
i got him in the carrier and we took him. he cried the whole way but it was normal. when we got in i thought he would go crazy becouse a women sat next to us with a german sheppard and i was scared to death cause he was looking at my cat like he was breakfest. 0_0 i moved down acouple seats and then a guy walks in with a gratedane. i thought next would be a pitbull or something. i slid my cat (patches) under the chair to block him from the dogs. the groomers came and got him so now im just waiting for them to say hes ready. right now im just watching something about the bermeuda triangle or how ever its spelled.
thats some creepy crap in the part of the ocean. XD
