Username: YamiHita
Name: Kyo
Job: Bond-Keeper
Age: 19
Gender: male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200pounds
Hair color/style: pure white hair, long and pulled in a pony tail, he just polls back what he grabs.
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Name: Aizu Hoshi
Job: Bond-keeper
Age: 18
Gender: female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 110lbs
Hair color/style: Bronze yellow with a short choppy look. Her hair goes to her shoulder...
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Shadow is more of an NPC than my character. He can appear in many places seemingly at once, so if you wish to use him, feel free to go ahead. Abuse him or his character and die slowly. >>...
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Username: Kratos Cruxis
Name: Sei-Ryoku Kou (nickname Sei)
Job: Bond-Keeper Head
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3''
Weight: 210lbs
Hair color/style: short silver hair that crops at the back of his neck...
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You must fill out this application in order to join the RP.
For Humans
Username: your otaku username
Name: (your character's name)
Job: (any particular job they have)
Hair color/style:
Eye color:
Clothing/Appearance: (What does your character wear? Do they have any piercings or tattoos?)
Weapon(s): (no guns or modern day weapons please)
Personality: (what is your character like?)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Habits/Hobbies: (at least 1)
Goal: (Optional)
Background: (at least a few sentences please)
Element: (what element do they still have control over if any)
For Bond-Keepers and Shadows
Username: (your otaku username)
Name: (your human character's name)
Job: (Bond-Keeper or Shadow)
Hair color/style:
Eye color:
Clothing/Appearance: (What does your character wear? Do they have any piercings or tattoos?)
Weapon(s): (no guns or modern day weapons please)
Personality: (what is your character like?)
Likes: (at least 3)
Dislikes: (at least 3)
Habits/Hobbies: (at least 1)
Goal: (Optional)
Background: (at least a few sentences please)
Summon Name: (your summon's name)
Summon Age: (how long have they been in the human world? Cannot exceed summoner's age)
Summon Gender: (yes they have gender)
Summon Description: (what does your summon look like? Also, if they rest in a particular item, explain what the time is.)
Summon Element: (Fire, Water, Earth, or Air)
Summon Subgroup Element: (if desired)
Summon Personality: (A sentence or two please)
For Summons No Longer With Bonds:
Username: (your otaku username)
Name: (the summon's name)
Age: (how long have they been in the human world)
Description: (what does your summon look like?)
Summon Element: (usually summons keep the same element they had after the bonds break)
Summon Subgroup Element: (if desired)
Summon Personality: (A sentence or two please)
Summon History: (Who was the human who summoned them? Did they do anything significant? ect.)