having a friend is like
having pee in your pants.
everyone can see it,
but only you can FEEL it.
thanks, for bieng the pee in my pants^.^
Oh gosh. That intro was written ages agoooo. The cringe is real.
having a friend is like
having pee in your pants.
everyone can see it,
but only you can FEEL it.
thanks, for bieng the pee in my pants^.^
Oh gosh. That intro was written ages agoooo. The cringe is real.
SJBSITGSBJSA EFBafib my mind is a HUGE jumbloe i cant even type right!! Im so frustrated!! I just finished reading this new manga, called "LOVE MONSTER" && itrs soooo dawm good! ugh, it feels like my hands are gonna EXPLODE!!!
Yes, yes duckies, you read it correctly!! Theres actually cats, born with wings.!!! Just thought I'd put it out there=]♥
OOH!!!! And my brother Marcos (a.k.a Page7) FINALLY GOT HIS DRIVER'S LICENSE (finally)
Hm.......plus i've been working on a couple pieces of art, btu alas, i HAVE NO FIRGGIN IDEA HOW TO USE A DAWM SCANNER!!!!!!!1 >.<
GOSH!! !If u explain me how, I'll SPARE YOU THA PAIN OF GOUGING YOUR EYES OUT!!!!!! ^^;; hehe i've been watching to manyt violent movies.. :"3
well guess what guys? 8) I joined track!! And i'm currently in HHELL WEEEEKKKKKKKKK
bwhahahahhahaha!! hell week..I'll describe it another day, when my legs AREN'T on the verge of falling off
:D:D:D SO yeah, dudes, not much going on over here in my life. plain and boring as always...
So, i was really excited about joining Soccer, 'coz that's tha only game that i quench my thirst of aggression to feed the enormous demon i call my own>;)
But i dont think they signed me up because i was sick that day, so i went the next day, so i dont know whats going on.
But hey, who needs all that sweaty, aggrisive, get-kicked-in-the-shin-ness?
But seriously,if i can't, I'll join track. But i KNOW that I'll quit...Its not coz i do it on purpose, but its just that it not as aggressive..and watch, i <B>N33D<B/>competition!!for example: At school, they made us see how many sit-ups we could do in 3 minutes. SO i ended up doing 153, and i tried it at home, and i did a whooping 34...see? im a competion freak!
Okay. you guys, the inevitable happened.........Im Jacob.Blaxk. Yeah, im a totally pro-Bella Edward, but I AM Jacob ^^; I mean, I have his personality....WOW...im surprised i haven't been shot yet...^^;;