
Every night, just before dinner we'd sneak out to see each other. We would go by the creek and sit on an old tree that had fallen, and talk for hours.

(I can't remember what you said.)

One foruth of July you brought sparklers with you. I always though that the sparklers you held were brighter.

(But they always faded too soon.)

We used the cheap fireworks as candles to light our way back home. There was one left, and time was running out.

(It would all be over soon.)

You calmed my terrible fear of the darkness with your lips for the first time.

(There was nothing you couldn't do.)

One late night, a fire was shot.

(Time stood still.)

A boy fell to the ground. He died instantly.

(The only thing you couldn't do was hold on.)

At night, when I couldn't sleep, I used to sneak out onto my roof and count all of the stars. Now I roll up my sleeves and count little lines.

(I counted 28 on my right arm alone.)

As some sort of sick form of masochism, I went to the creek where we used to be.

(My heart stopped.)

I saw you sitting on our little fallen tree with a sparkler. I screamed for you, but you didn't hear me.

(Almost as if you wre stuck in a different time..)

That night razor blades found themselves going through tendons.

(Everything froze.)

As the bright light passed, I saw you. I walked to you, and sat down on the old tree time had eatened away at. Our lips met, and I smiled.

("What took you so long?")

This is actually a poem that is in one of my character's journal.

The story: She would sneak out at night to see Kai, her (boy)friend. And well, they didn't concider it 'dating' until they kissed, and they were both madly in love. But her dad shot him (Her dad is a vampire hunter, and Kai was a vampire, but her dad didn't know that they were dating, he just did his job.)
And then she goes into this deep spiraling depression, then sees his ghost sitting on a log, waiting for her, so she kills herself.

And yes, she really is TERRIFEID of the dark. XD fail, Shono, fail.
