Wanna draw, anypony?

So... the last post was kinda sad. But this time.. i wanna do something fun!
I want everypony to draw a picture themselves as a pony, standing by their favorite pony (or dragon!) and post it on theOtaku!
I hope you have fun!
(please title the picture: Fang's Dare)

We all feel it.

Listen, i know at first this wont sound like its about ponies, but it is.. pain. it hurts. We all refuse to sow it, and smile. I shed ONE tear each day, and am laughing all other times, because i understand it, and dont want others to feel it too.
Even ponies can teach us about pain: Luna was banished to the moon by her own sister. Twilight never had any friends. Spike is a VERY lonely dragon.
And, even if your bullied, or hurt, or misunderstood-- stand up, and be a like all the ponies you like, but dont be afraid to cry.
