Dutch gaming authority opens talks on updated responsible gaming policy rules

The Dutch gaming authority has submitted updated responsible gaming policy rules to various stakeholders for consultation. Above all, the new policy rules add extra content to the duty of care and pay attention to the revised advertising rules.

In September, the KSA released a report on its interpretation of the duty of care and its implementation among 10 providers. The study showed that providers do not always shape the duty of care in the right way, for example, because they do not intervene in time if there is a possibility of excessive play or addiction. At the time of the study's publication, the KSA announced that it would revise responsible game policy rules to clarify, among other things, several standards disclosed in the law so that providers can better fulfill their duty of care. These revised policies are currently being written and presented to various stakeholders, such as addiction experts and providers. Through this consultation, we ask them to respond to the feasibility of policy rules. 프라그마틱 슬롯 사이트

The new policy rules, among other things, stipulate that providers must be able to recognize signs of excessive gambling within an hour. This is in line with the study's observation that players can suffer huge losses in a short period of time because many providers do not monitor "real-time" and sometimes perceive the signal too late. If a player deposits more than 700 euros (300 euros for young adults aged 18 to 24) per month in the calendar, the provider must contact that player to ask for proof of their profits so that the player can deposit more. At that moment, only the money already in the account can be played.

In addition, the new policy rules note a ban on role models and a ban on non-targeted advertising. For example, more substance will be given to advertising targeting vulnerable groups, such as minors and young adults, and to the use of role models for advertising activities.
