The Cake

You may not get this but it was really funny at the time and is still funny now (to me). Here it goes... During the summer my Grandmom bought this really good cake with chocolate frosting (YUM!). So I cut myself a small slice of cake. Since nobody was home I...gave it a theme song with a little dance (I don't know why).It goes... Doo- do do doo- do do doo- DOO DOO!Each time I would sing a doo I would rise the cake(I held it in my hand) a little bit higher into the air. The first time I did it, the frosting flew off the cake and into the floor. (Thank goodness it was a hardware floor and not carpet). The second time is when my mom and brother came home (they were outside). I ran outside with the cake in my hand. When I get out there...SMUSH! My brother smashed the cake all over my shirt by accident. NOOOOOOOOOO, my cake!!!!! I scearmed. So I grabbed another piece and ate it without my brother around or the song and dance.JOY!
