[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

Hey All You People :D

Muziq: No muziq, politics...
Time: 7:53pm

Can't stay on long.
Working on this long S.S. Review sheet XP I like social studies 'n all but this class is the majority of my homework ~____~
And I think I'm changing the BG of my world again [I know I just changed it yesterday >.>]. I like my banner but the BG doesn't look so cool tiled.

Yeah~ juss felt like posting coz I can...
'nd coz I feel like spamming Shadow sommore >8D

the shadow engulfs the light, huh? WELL ZE LIGHT SHALL PIERCE YOUR SHADOWEYNESS >=D

*stabs you with the force and the light*
I win :3

aww maaaann, juss found out he's grounded [FER A MUNTH >_<] ;__; baka lil Shadow. I'm still gonna spam him tho ^3-

I Spilled Ice Cream 0n Mah Jeanz!! DX

Muziq: I Think I'm Paranoid- Garbage [cool band name 8)]
Time: 9:06pm

Gotta get off the comp now =__=
It's getting late so I should get my stuff situated for tomorrow...

oh yeah! I got a theme for my own quiz ^__^

I see aa few of you decided to post as soon as I have to get off, I'll have to comment tomorrow then ^^


Muziq: Reptilia- The Strokes
Time: 12:27pm

Hey! Lookie there, I changed my BG 'n intro [again] :D

I feel like I've neglected al my other worlds ;__;

Anyhoo, I'ma go shower/eat/do HW/procrastinate/ now x__X

posting coz I feel like it---

I'm playing Say It Ain't So [Weezer], Welcome Home [Coheed and Cambria], and I'm So Sick [Flyleaf] over 'n over again.

Grrrrr, I'm in one of those randomly depressing moods again >.>
The moon must be all outa whack >=d



erm, anywayz. Drawing's gettin on my nerves, I just don't feel like it. And I wanna write some type o' poem but I don't know where to start D:
or what to write about. or whatever else a poem needs to be good...

and I sound like a dieing person hacking in my room >.>

*sigh* lemme think up something interesting to write....

Britty's multiple posting iz contagious :D

I want my Mom to bring me to Hottopic tomorrow so I can buy a new hoodie.
I doubt it'll happen but I'm really hoping it will...

Oh yeah! I was texting Christine earlier :D
Apparently she was hanging out with Brian at a sushi bar off the beach.
I was like, "I'm guessing Brian's from A7X" and so on, I was right. Christine's off to bigger and better things j___j
She's left our little town behind ;o; But I'm really glad she's happy and actually doing something with her life, she was really sick and stressed before she left.

Sooooo, lemme find something to occupy my life =__=
I'm either gonna work on my own quiz or change my layout for this world.

I'd Like To Check Into A Mental Institution One Day. Juss ta See What It's Like...

Muziq: Welcome Home- Coheed and Cambria

Couldn't think of a proper title, so that's what happened ~___o

I thought I'd make a post... dunno what to write tho...

The quiz I'm making with my aunt is going really well :D
She had to bring her laptop into Best Buy coz somethng's wronf with it, so I made all the results and am helping with the questions.
yeah~ I wanna make my own quiz once we're done with hers.

oh yeah! I got another cold DX It was so random >.< I just woke up in the middle of the night like, "I CAN'T BREATH THRU MAH NOOOOZZEEE" v__v
and then I started coughing my brains out the next night...

well at least I have off tomorrow :D

I'ma end my post now >.>

Peace Out--