[[ [ Hello<3stoppah. ] ]]

To burp out loud is to belch sort of unexpectedly, as if to slip sort of spontaneously, and--despite the custom "oops" that follows--with a bit of necessity. It's a self-satisfying gesture, at times executed with a complex mix of bewilderment, rage, affection, or fulfillment. In spite of one's earnest efforts, some ring more obnoxiously than others--with no intention of offense. In such instances, it is expected that those guests sitting wide eyed across from the bum act with the similar, and understand burping as a natural process to fun understanding. Feel free to set fire to any falsely assumed restrictions. Burp as if you were born free; set your feet upon the dinner table and let loose a button or two.

--Shi Bum Bumm

(formerly: xX9.tailed:NekoXx)

Tank JO0oooo 'n cya

Going to b.day party 2day, so I won't be on
Thank you guyz so much for the comments! =O


PS: If ur reading this Muto, sorry I didn't get you into the pic SO SORRYYYYY~



Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with all your posts you guys ^^. It's like, if I miss one day I get totally left behind o_0

Welp, I've submitted new art!!!! Just look me up in the members link to see my portfolio [since my portfolio link doesn't work]. And thanx to imouto chan 'n KungPowChicken for commenting so far ^_____^

External Image

External Image

Check 'em out ^_____-


Me Avatar

My new Avatar:

tell me what u think plz :3
g'nite all ^____--


Member Avatars

I've finished colouring an old-ish pic which I think came out really good.
It's a pic about theOtaku.com 'nd I'll need lotz of avatars representing the members. Do you think that's okay if I use different member's avatars? :/
Like a colloage [spelling?] of them in the BG.
Not that a lot of ppl comment my post here, but if ur reading this then tell me what u think, 'nd if you'd be fine with me using your avatar.

And I think I'm changing mine....

If you care, then you'll repost:

Ok, this is seriouse, A kid needs our help so do the right thing.
His name is Matt Dawson. He is 23 years old, and he has a large tumor on his brain and severe lung cancer. The doctors say he will die soon if this isn't fixed, and his family can't pay the bills. "The Make A Wish Foundation" has agreed to donate 7 cents for every time this message is reposted. For those of you who repost, I thank you so much. . Please, if you are a kind person, have a heart. So repost ppl!!!!!!!!!!